Start by installing the Bonsol CLI which provides you with all the necessary tools for starting a new project. The Bonsol CLI is compatible with both Linux and macOS operating systems.
Interested in contributing? Head over to the Contributing section to learn more.
Then install the Bonsol CLI depending on your architecture:
Install the Bonsol CLI on Linux without CUDA support:
echo "Installing without cuda support, proving will be slower"
cargo install bonsol-cli --git --locked
Linux + CUDA
Install the Bonsol CLI on Linux with CUDA support:
echo "Installing with cuda support"
cargo install bonsol-cli --git --features linux --locked
Install the Bonsol CLI on macOS:
echo "Installing on mac"
cargo install bonsol-cli --git --features mac --locked
Verify Installation
Verify the installation by running:
bonsol --help
You will see the following:
Usage: bonsol [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
deploy Deploy a program with various storage options, such as S3, or manually with a URL
build Build a ZK program
estimate Estimate the execution cost of a ZK RISC0 program
init Initialize a new project
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-c, --config <CONFIG> The path to a Solana CLI config [Default: '~/.config/solana/cli/config.yml']
-k, --keypair <KEYPAIR> The path to a Solana keypair file [Default: '~/.config/solana/id.json']
-u, --rpc-url <RPC_URL> The Solana cluster the Solana CLI will make requests to
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
# Add your user to docker group
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
# Apply changes to current session
newgrp docker
6. Verify Installation
docker --version
docker compose version
Docker daemon starts automatically with WSL
No Docker Desktop required
GUI features available through Docker Desktop later if needed
Compatible with all Bonsol development requirements
If you encounter permission issues after installation:
Ensure you've logged out and back in after adding your user to the docker group
Or run newgrp docker to apply changes in current session
If Docker daemon isn't starting:
sudo service docker start
FlatBuffers v24.3.25
FlatBuffers is a cross-platform serialization library. Build it from source on Linux or macOS.
Ensure you have the build requirements.
# Update package lists
sudo apt update
# Install CMake
sudo apt install -y cmake
# Verify CMake installation
cmake --version # Should show version 3.28.3 or later
# Install make
sudo apt install -y g++ make
# Verify make installation
make --version # Should show version 3.81 or later
Build and install FlatBuffers v24.3.25:
# Create a temporary directory for building
cd /tmp
# Clone the FlatBuffers repository
git clone
# Enter the repository directory
cd flatbuffers
# Checkout the specific version
git checkout v24.3.25
# Build FlatBuffers
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j$(nproc)
# Install flatc compiler
sudo mv flatc /usr/local/bin/
# Clean up
cd ..
rm -rf flatbuffers
# Verify the installation
flatc --version # Should show version 24.3.25
Ensure you have the build requirements.
# Update package lists (macOS uses Homebrew instead of apt)
brew update
# Install CMake
brew install cmake
# Verify CMake installation
cmake --version # Should show version 3.28.3 or later
# Install make (and g++ if needed)
brew install make gcc
# Verify make installation
make --version # Should show version 3.81 or later
Build and install FlatBuffers v24.3.25:
# Create a temporary directory for building
cd /tmp
# Clone the FlatBuffers repository
git clone
# Enter the repository directory
cd flatbuffers
# Checkout the specific version
git checkout v24.3.25
# Build FlatBuffers
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
# Install flatc compiler
sudo mv flatc /usr/local/bin/
# Clean up
cd ..
rm -rf flatbuffers
# Verify the installation
flatc --version # Should show version 24.3.25