The build command compiles your verifiable program and generates a manifest file containing the deployment information. Ensure your Docker daemon is running and build your verifiable program:
The deploy command uploads your newly built verifiable program to make it accessible to the prover network. We currently support S3-compatible storage hosts.
Deploying to Solana, which will cost real money. Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n)
6700902caf52fb56277157db725faa5c1aeac0c08221d2e13e27430da2f77136 deployed
Create an execution request
An execution request is specified in a JSON file with the following structure:
imageId: The unique identifier of the verifiable program image to execute. This is generated when building your program and is found in your manifest.json.
inputs: An array of input objects that will be passed to the verifiable program. This program just uses one input.
inputType: Type of input data.
data: The actual input data, properly formatted as a string.
Execute the verifiable program
Use the execute command to submit your execution request to the prover network:
$ bonsol execute -f execution-request.json --wait
Execution expiry 35436
current block 34436
Claimed by 5RChCvEt8z5Uq9DF2yv2sJeazgm1SFmJChm1mrHH35oU at slot 34469, committed 17718
Execution completed with exit code Success
If the execution is not completed within the timeout period, you'll receive a timeout message.
If the execution request expires without being claimed, you'll receive an expiry message.
Congratulations! You've deployed your first verifiable program on Solana. See the Setup a local environment section to build a more fleshed out development environment to build fully unstoppable applications.